
11 August 2015

Winter Cabaret 2015 联欢舞会

HakkaWA, in collaboration with ACFS-WA (Australia China Friendship Society WA), successfully organised the 2015 Winter Cabaret & Karaoke.

It was a fun-filled evening of dancing, singing, and meeting of friendly people. The event was held at the Australia Asia Association Hall on 1 August 2015.

There are 3 video clips of the dances too at the bottom here.


10 August 2015

Courtesy Call on Minister Mike Nahan 礼貌拜会部长

On 28 July 2015 a delegation led by President of HakkaWA, paid a courtesy call on Hon. Dr Mike Nahan BEc MS PhD MLA, Treasurer; Minister for Energy; Citizenship and Multicultural Interests, at his office in Perth.

The Minister was kind to receive the representives of HakkaWA. Senior Policy Adviser to the Minister, Ms Lyn Mitchell, was also graciously in attendance.